Financial Results and Disclosures

Election of Board member representing the employees

Rio de Janeiro, January 27, 2012 - In compliance with Federal Law 12.353/2010, which regulates the participation of employees in the Boards of public companies and public-private companies, and as provided in its By-Laws, Petrobras announces that it has initiated the process to elect a representative of the Company's employees for its Board of Directors.

Petrobras has formed an electoral commission made up of twelve members - six Company nominated representatives and six Union nominated ones - to organize and conduct the entire electoral process, acting as a disciplinary and ruling authority, and ensuring the legitimacy of the entire process.

Like other Board members, the representative of the employees will serve a 1 (one) year term, with the possibility of being reelected, and s/he will not have a substitute member. As a result, the Petrobras Board of Directors will be made up of ten members instead of nine, and the shareholders will confirm the nomination of the new member during the General Meeting of Shareholders to be held in March, at which time the name of the candidate chosen by the Company's employees will be submitted.

As provided in Law 12.353/10, the Board member representing the employees will not participate in discussions and resolutions on matters where conflict of interest might arise, such as union relations, compensation and benefits, including matters concerning complementary social security and assistance.