ETFs positioned on Shree Cement Limited

Name Weight AuM 1st Jan change Investor Rating
0.35% 6 M€ +6.07% -
0.04% 2,955 M€ +7.92%
0.04% 159 M€ +7.09% -
0.04% 484 M€ +8.64% -
0.04% 4 M€ -4.41% -
0.03% 99 M€ +3.38% -
0.02% 37 M€ +7.81% -
0.01% 7 M€ +7.11% -
0.01% 16 M€ +5.42%
0.01% 12 M€ +15.00% -
0.00% 39 M€ +10.63% -
0.00% 453 M€ +12.12% -
0.00% 15 M€ -2.36%
0.00% 45 M€ +8.47% -
0.00% 355 M€ +9.94% -
0.00% 112 M€ +8.01% -
0.00% 18 M€ +5.76% -
0.00% 60 M€ +5.28% -
0.00% 8 M€ +3.63% -
Logo Shree Cement Limited
Shree Cement Limited is one of the leading cement producers in India. In addition, the group is developing a power generation business. Net sales break down by activity as follows: - Cement and clinker production (93.6%): 26.4 Mt of cement and 17.1 Mt of clinker produced in 2020/21. At the end of March 2021, the Group had 14 cement plants and grinding stations in India (13) and the United Arab Emirates; - power generation (6.4%): 1,618.5 GWh produced in 2021. At the end of March 2021, the group has an installed capacity of 752 MW. India accounts for 93.7% of net sales.
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ESG Refinitiv
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  4. ETFs Shree Cement Limited
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