In the context of the renewal of the TV broadcasting rights, for which the current contract is expiring in June 2014, Belgacom wishes to reaffirm its support for Belgian football by proposing to take part in the joint venture project of the Pro League and Telenet. Belgacom would like all supporters to have access to all matches and magazines, no matter which operator they are with.

Belgacom, a fan of Belgian football

Right from when Belgacom TV was launched in 2005, Belgian football has been a central component of the Belgacom offer. Belgacom has always partnered up with the Jupiler Pro League to provide free coverage of many matches via Belgacom 11, including the unique multi-live experience. What's more, Belgacom has been lending its support to numerous clubs in Belgium, the Belgacom League (division 2) and the Red Devils for more than 20 years.

In favor of a non-exclusive model through the creation of a multi-party joint venture with the Pro League

Belgacom is in favor of a non-exclusive model so that all football fans will be able to watch division 1 football on their television, no matter which operator they are with.  In order to make this "football for everyone" ambition a reality, Belgacom wishes to participate right now in this joint venture considered by the Pro League and Telenet.

The main reasons for this choice are to ensure the neutrality of the football offering and the offering's accessibility to the highest number of supporters. Belgacom also wants to ensure that the prices remain affordable to all football fans.

Belgacom therefore wants to continue to support all the Belgian football stakeholder by ensuring long-term prosperity and increased visibility to the Pro League and the clubs.

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