Keppel Telecommunications & Transportation Ltd (the "Company") wishes to announce that it is currently exploring the establishment of a data centre real estate investment trust ("REIT") to be listed on the Main Board of Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited (the "SGX-ST").
The properties forming the portfolio of the REIT, the terms at which the properties will be injected into the REIT and the other details of the proposed transaction (including the size of any offering to be made in respect of units in the REIT, the timeframe of any such offering as well as the terms of any such offering) are currently still under review. The establishment of the REIT and the listing of the REIT on the SGX-ST will be subject to, among other things, market conditions, the relevant regulatory and other approvals being obtained and the execution of definitive agreements by the relevant parties.
An announcement will be issued by the Company in the event that there is any material development. In the meantime, shareholders are advised to refrain from taking any action in respect of their shares in the Company which may be prejudicial to their interests, and to exercise caution when dealing in the shares of the Company.
BY ORDER OF THE BOARD Tok Boon Sheng / Kelvin Chua
Company Secretaries
3 January 2014


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