Tourmaline Oil Corp. reported that estimated daily production volumes reached a record of 111,200 boepd (564 mmcfpd (94,000 boepd) natural gas and 17,200 bpd of oil, condensate and ngls) during the second half of December following the start-up of the Wild River and Banshee gas plant expansions. The company has an estimated 18,500 boepd of additional production, from wells already drilled and completed, that will be tied in to Tourmaline facilities over the next six weeks.

Tourmaline expects to reach the 2014 forecast average daily production level of 118,000 boepd in the second half of February 2014 (597) mmcfpd natural gas; 18,500 bpd oil, condensate and ngls), with additional volumes coming on stream in March. The drilling rig fleet of 16 rigs as well as 9-10 completion spreads will be operated until break-up in late March, providing approximately 60-65 new wells to bring on-stream by break-up.