The board of directors of Inner Mongolia Yitai Coal Co. Ltd. announced that due to work adjustment, on 10 March 2023, Mr. Ge Yaoyong tendered his resignation as an executive Director and a member of the Strategy Committee and the Production Committee of the Board; Mr. Zhang Dongsheng tendered his resignation as an executive Director and a member of the Strategy Committee of the Board; Mr. Liu Jian tendered his resignation as an executive Director and a member of the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee, the Nomination Committee, the Strategy Committee and the Production Committee of the Board, the above resignations all took effect from 10 March 2023. After their resignations, Mr. Ge Yaoyong and Mr. Zhang Dongsheng will continue to hold relevant positions in Inner Mongolia Yitai Group Co.

Ltd. and Inner Mongolia Yitai Investment Co. Ltd. Mr. Ge Yaoyong, Mr. Zhang Dongsheng and Mr. Liu Jian confirmed that they have no disagreement with the Company and the Board, and there are no other matters relating to their resignations that need to be brought to the attention of the shareholders of the Company (the Shareholders). The Board announced that in order to improve the corporate governance and ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the special committees of the Board, Mr. E Erdun Tao Ketao, an independent non-executive Director, was appointed by the Company as the chairman of the Remuneration and Appraisal Committee of the Board for a term commencing from 10 March 2023 until the expiry of the term of the eighth session of the Board.