Deutsche Börse AG (XTRA:DB1) commences share repurchases on January 2, 2024 under the program mandated by the shareholders in the Annual General Meeting held on May 8, 2019. The shares repurchased will be cancelled. As per the mandate, the company is authorized to repurchase up to 10% of the share capital. The authorization shall be valid until May 7, 2024.

On November 6, 2023, the company announced a share repurchase program. Under the program, the company will repurchase up to 14,000,000 shares, for ?300 million. The purchase price per repurchased share (excluding ancillary acquisition costs) may not exceed, or fall short of the average share price (closing auction price of the Deutsche Börse share in electronic trading on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange) on the last five trading days before entering into the purchase obligation by more than 10%. The purpose of the program is to reduce the capital of the company. The repurchases will commence from January 2, 2024 and will continue till May 4, 2024.