The financial supervisory authority Bafin is refraining from a more comprehensive supervision of Deutsche Börse.

Following a review, the supervisors came to the decision not to classify Germany's largest stock exchange operator as a financial holding company. If Deutsche Börse had been classified as such, this would have resulted in much stricter supervision of the company. A spokeswoman for Deutsche Börse confirmed corresponding information from financial circles on Tuesday evening. Bafin did not wish to comment on this when asked. The "Handelsblatt" had first reported on this.

Deutsche Börse has recently been in the headlines for regulatory issues. This is because Bafin recently identified further deficiencies at some Deutsche Börse subsidiaries. The supervisors therefore demanded that the companies ensure proper business organization. According to the inspectors, one weak point was risk management.

(Report by Frank Siebelt, Hans Seidenstücker edited by Ralf Banser; if you have any queries, please contact our editorial team at (for politics and the economy) or (for companies and markets)).