Aldebaran Resources Inc. reported results for four drill holes of the 2023/2024 field campaign at the Altar copper-gold project in San Juan, Argentina. The holes reported herein (ALD-24-074EXT, ALD-24-240, ALD-24-241, ALD-24-238, and ALD-24-242) were all substantial step-outs to the north or south of known mineralization. Hole ALD-24-074EXT was designed to extend mineralization in the Altar United trend.
Hole ALD-24-241 was designed to achieve three goals: (1) infill a gap in drilling at the Altar United discovery, (2) drill perpendicular to many of the previous holes within the United area to ensure there is no bias in grades because of hole orientation, and (3) to test for continuity in between the existing fences of drill holes. Hole ALD-24-240 was designed to fill a gap in the existing drilling, and hole ALD-24-242 was designed to test the southern extent of the mineralized footprint at the Altar project. All holes successfully hit mineralization and expanded the footprint of the mineralized system, while ALD-24-241 returned one of the highest-grade intercepts from the project to date.
All four holes will provide valuable information for the upcoming mineral resource estimate, scheduled for the second half of 2024. ALD-24-074EXT is a historical hole collared in the western edge of the Altar United trend. It is a vertical hole originally drilled in 2010 to a depth of 607.60 m. ALD-24-074 was extended during the current campaign to a final depth of 1,327.00 m. The main purpose of this hole was to fill a gap in the previous drilling and test for the extension of mineralization at Altar United.
Lithology: Drillhole ALD-24-074EXT intersected diorite porphyry units from surface to the end of the hole (cutting a minor interval of rhyolite between 1,118 m and 1,160 m depth). Alteration & Mineralization: ALD-24-074EXT encountered strongly oxidized and leached rocks from surface to 130 m depth, followed by a well-developed secondary copper enrichment zone until 220 m depth. Moderate quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite-molybdenite veining occurs along the entire hole, with increasing intensity over the last 500 m of the hole.
Hypogene copper mineralization in ALD-24-074EXT consists of chalcopyrite and lesser amounts of bornite and hypogene chalcocite, which are intimately related with the occurrence of moderate to strong green sericite(-chlorite)-alteration that is overprinting earlier, biotite-k-feldspar-magnetite alteration, both of which increase in intensity down the hole. Weaker mineralization from 510 m to 840 m depth is a consequence of the overprinting by moderate to strong intensity "white sericite-pyrite" alteration which appears to be copper destructive on this portion of the hole. ALD-24-240 is collared at the eastern edge of Altar Central.
This hole was drilled at -85 degrees dip to the north and to a final depth of 1,273.2 m. The main purpose of ALD-24-240 was to test an area with limited drilling to date. Lithology: Drillhole ALD-24-240 intersected dominantly wall rock rhyolite and andesite volcanic rocks from top to bottom. The hole intersected rhyolite from surface until 620 m depth, before entering an intercalation of dominantly andesitic rocks and minor rhyolitic units.
Two short intervals of diorite intrusive rocks (dykes) were encountered; the first of these from 922 m to 931 m depth and the second from 1,263 m until the bottom of the hole at 1,273.2 m. Alteration & Mineralization: Drillhole ALD-24-240 encountered strongly oxidized and leached rocks over the initial 138 m, before entering a weakly developed secondary copper enrichment zone up to 320 m depth. Copper mineralization in the hypogene zone is mainly associated with the occurrence of chalcopyrite associated with moderate to strong "green sericite-(chlorite)" alteration and to "k-feldspar-biotite" potassic assemblages. These early alteration assemblages are overprinted in the upper portion of the hole by weak to moderate "white sericite-pyrite" alteration and by discrete structures with pyrite-enargite.
Molybdenum mineralization is associated with the occurrence of moderate quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite-molybdenum veining from the initial meters of the hole and progressively increasing at depth. ALD-24-241 is collared in the Altar United trend. The hole was drilled at -85 degrees dip and to the southeast at 110-degree azimuth.
Hole ALD-24-241 was designed to achieved three goals: (1) infill a gap in drilling at the Altar United discovery, (2) drill perpendicular to many of the previous holes within the United area to ensure there is no bias in grades because of hole orientation, and (3) to test for continuity in between the existing fences of drill holes. The targeted depth for ALD-24-241 was at least 1,500 m depth, however the hole was lost prematurely at 1,296.0 m depth due to operator issues. Lithology: From surface to 162 m depth, drillhole ALD-24-241 intersected diorite porphyry displaying intense quartz stockwork veining, followed underneath by a likely younger diorite porphyry displaying identical textural characteristics, but lower frequency of quartz veining.
The nature of the contact between these two units is uncertain due to the strong oxidation and fracturing at those depths. Alteration & Mineralization: ALD-24-241 displays strong oxidation from surface and until 300 m depth. Copper mineralization was completely leached in this upper portion of the hole due to weathering.
On the other hand, gold mineralization occurs from surface to 162 m depth, spatially associated with strong to intense quartz stockwork veining present within that interval. A poorly developed supergene copper enrichment zone occurs from the base of oxidation until 375 m depth and is characterized by the occurrence of secondary chalcocite coatings on pyrite and chalcopyrite. Copper mineralization below 375 m depth is hypogene and consists mainly of chalcopyrite and locally bornite.
A background of moderate intensity, early "biotite-k-feldspar-magnetite-chalcopyrite" potassic alteration is overprinted by variable amounts of hair-wide veinlets displaying several centimeter wide halos of "green sericite-(chlorite)-chalcopyrite>pyrite" alteration which are crosscut by younger "white sericite-pyrite" veins. A clear zonation is observed between these alteration events along ALD-24-241, with the upper portion of the hole dominated by "white sericite-pyrite" alteration which decreases in intensity until approximately 600 m depth. On the other hand, "green sericite-chlorite-chalcopyrite>pyrite" progressively increases towards the bottom, becoming dominant below 600 m depth and displaying strong intensity over the last 600 m of the hole.
Molybdenum mineralization is associated with the occurrence of "molybdenite-quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite" veining. These veins crosscut the "green sericite-chlorite" halo veins, displaying also a remarkable spatial association with copper mineralization.