Aldebaran Resources Inc. report results from the first four drill holes of the 2023/2024 field campaign at the Altar copper-gold project in San Juan, Argentina. Due to snow constraints at the time of commencing the current field season, three of the holes were significant step-outs to test for the southern extension of mineralization within the large, conductive geophysical anomaly at Altar. As expected, those three holes did not intersect the porphyry intrusive rocks typically associated with the higher-grade mineralization at Altar United, however, they did intersect low- to moderate-grade mineralization in wall rocks (andesites and rhyolites) that will add resources to a previously undrilled area.
Hole ALD- 23-234 was designed to test an area in the current resource model that was defined as waste due to lack of drilling. Hole ALD-23-234 successfully hit mineralization and will likely convert waste to resources in the upcoming mineral resource update for the project. ALD-23-162EXT is a vertical hole originally drilled to 522.70 m in 2012.
This hole was extended during the current campaign to a final depth of 1,279.10 m. The goal of this hole was to test the southern extent of the Altar United trend, within the large conductive geophysical anomaly, and fill a gap in drilling for the upcoming resource update. Lithology: From surface to 260 m depth the hole intersected a package of fragmental and porphyritic volcaniclastic rocks before intersecting a long run of a massive rhyolite of early Miocene age, which extends to a depth of 911 m and is followed underneath by intermixed andesitic and rhyolite units until the bottom of the hole. Alteration & Mineralization: Moderate to strong oxidation occurs up to 360 m depth.
Alteration assemblages over the upper portion of the hole are characterized by the occurrence of discrete, pyrite-enargite high sulfidation structures and weak to moderate quartz-sericite-pyrite-tourmaline, overprinting weak k-feldspar-(biotite-magnetite) potassic alteration. Continuous, moderate copper and molybdenum mineralization occurs below 360 m depth and to the bottom of the hole. Mineralization is mostly associated to the occurrence of increasing magnetite-biotite-k feldspar alteration, quartz-magnetite-chalcopyrite, quartz-pyrite-molybdenite-chalcopyrite, and quartz-green sericite-chalcopyrite veining.
ALD-23-166EXT is a vertical hole originally drilled to 401 m in 2012. It is collared 200 m south from ALD-23-162EXT. This hole was extended during the current campaign to a final depth of 1,158.50 m. The goal of this hole was to test the southern extent of the Altar United trend, within the large conductive geophysical anomaly, and fill a gap in drilling for the upcoming resource update.
Lithology: From surface to 307 m depth the hole intersected a package of fragmental and porphyritic volcaniclastic rocks before intersecting a long run of a massive rhyolite to a depth of 802 m and followed underneath by andesite, which is crosscut over the last 100 m of the hole by a series of narrow, late-mineral porphyry dykes. Alteration & Mineralization: Rocks are partially oxidized on the upper portion of the hole and up to 401 m depth. This drill hole displays moderate copper and molybdenum mineralization to the bottom, mostly associated to the occurrence of increasing magnetite-biotite-k feldspar alteration, quartz-magnetite-chalcopyrite veining, and quartz-green sericite- sulfides veining.
Discrete, pyrite-enargite high sulfidation structures were also intersected. ALD-23-194EXT is a vertical hole originally drilled to 530 m in 2013, collared 200 m west from ALD-23- 166EXT. This hole was extended during the current campaign to a final depth of 1,174.80 m. The goal of this hole was to test the southern extent of the Altar United trend, within the large conductive geophysical anomaly, and fill a gap in drilling for the upcoming resource update.
Lithology: The hole intersected 80 m of fragmental and porphyritic volcaniclastic rocks before intersecting a long run of massive rhyolite. The rhyolite continues until 880.00 m depth, but it is crosscut by several narrow, late mineral porphyry dykes from 484 m to 635 m depth. The drill hole continues below 880 m into andesitic units until the bottom of the hole.
Alteration & Mineralization: Rocks are strongly fractured and oxidized from surface and up to 305.00 m of the hole. From 305.00 m to 380.00 m a well-defined secondary copper enriched zone was intersected. This zone is characterized by the occurrence of secondary chalcocite, pyrite, and chalcopyrite.
The hole displays moderate copper and molybdenum mineralization to the bottom of the hole, mostly associated to the occurrence of increasing magnetite- biotite-k feldspar alteration, quartz-magnetite-chalcopyrite veining, and quartz-green sericite-sulphides veining. Discrete, pyrite-enargite high sulphidation structures were also intersected throughout the hole. Drillhole ALD-23-234 is collared to the south of the Altar Central zone, located 200 m south from the last fence of holes in this area.
It was drilled at -78 degrees dip towards the north, to a final depth of 1,033 m. The main objective of this hole was to test the extension of the mineralization towards the south and targeted an area in the 2019 resource model that was defined as in-pit waste due to a lack of drilling. Lithology: The hole intersected a fragmental rhyolite unit starting from surface to 260 m depth, before intersecting a long interval of rhyolite followed underneath by a mix of porphyritic and fragmental andesitic units from 712 m until the bottom of the hole. Alteration & Mineralization: Strong oxidation occurs over the first 74 m of the hole.
Alteration is weak to moderate over the upper half of the hole. Dominant assemblages include white sericite-quartz-pyrite-(chalcopyrite) associated with hairline veins displaying wide halos overprinting tourmaline-quartz-pyrite-(chalcopyrite) which is widely distributed along the hole, coming in veins and associated locally with strong silicification. Relicts of earlier magnetite-hematite alteration occur from the top of the hole and increase at depth.
From 390 m depth, traces of k feldspar-biotite alteration start to occur. This alteration coincides with the occurrence of increasing quartz-pyrite- molybdenite-chalcopyrite and green sericite-quartz-chalcopyrite veining until the bottom of the hole.