MUNICH/BONN (dpa-AFX) - In a debate whose outcome is groundbreaking for future German mobile networks, O2 CEO Markus Haas has reiterated his demand for an extension of the current usage rights by eight years. "If we don't get an extension, we will have no planning security to close the last gaps in coverage and provide everyone in Germany with 5G," the CEO of Telefónica Deutschland (O2) told dpa in Munich. The quality of all German networks would suffer if there were to be an auction next year - there is too little spectrum to distribute among four companies.

The mobile operators use different radio bands for their mobile networks, the rights to use which have so far been auctioned off at different times. The last auction to date took place in 2019, in which the industry committed to paying 6.6 billion euros. For the first time in a long time, not only the three established providers Deutsche Telekom, Telefónica Deutschland (O2) and Vodafone took part, but also the newcomer 1&1, which is part of the United Internet Group.

The next auction is due to take place in 2024. However, there will then be too little spectrum for it to be easily divisible by four. The Federal Network Agency has therefore proposed a waiver. However, this would be bad for the newcomer 1&1, which wants access to additional frequency bands for its currently very small network. The federal authority intends to make a final decision in spring 2024./wdw/DP/zb