Gas consumption in Germany fell sharply in the crisis year 2022.

Compared to average consumption over the past four years, natural gas consumption fell by 14%, the Federal Network Agency announced on Friday. Industry saved 15 percent compared to previous years, while private households and businesses reduced their consumption by 12 percent. The mild temperatures also played an important role in the decline in consumption. The regulator's figures reflect the consequences of the Russian invasion of Ukraine: Norway replaced Russia as the most important gas supplier and gas imports from Russia ended in September.

The largest volume of gas imports for the year as a whole came from Norway with a share of 33 percent, the Federal Network Agency also announced. Gas supplies from Russia, on the other hand, began to fall, with only 22% (2021: 52%) coming from there for the year as a whole. While around 1.7 terawatt hours per day were still being supplied via the Nord Stream 1 pipeline until mid-June, this ended in September. The lack of gas supplies from Russia was partially offset by additional imports, including from the Netherlands, Belgium and Norway. At the same time, German gas exports to neighboring countries have declined.

The price of gas skyrocketed after the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This led to distortions in the energy market, including gas importer Uniper having to flee into the arms of the state.

(Report by Matthias Inverardi, edited by Hans Seidenstücker. If you have any questions, please contact our editorial team at (for politics and the economy) or (for companies and markets).