January 31, 2013   |   ShareThis

(Photo credit: World Economic Forum. Swiss-image.ch/Photo Moritz Hager.)
Last week, Mosaic President and CEO Jim Prokopanko and Executive Vice President - Operations and COO Joc O'Rourke traveled to Davos, Switzerland for the 2013 Annual Meeting of the World Economic Forum.  They were joined by nearly 2,500 other leaders from business, civil society, government, international organizations, media and academia - all gathered to focus on crucial global and regional issues.

As a panelist in "The Natural Resource Context," Prokopanko joined other leaders to discuss transformational issues related to natural resources such as water, energy and minerals. He focused on how the global food security challenge is affected by rising demand, the availability of resources and increased volatility.

"Mosaic employees are well-versed on the facts surrounding population growth and the need for greater crop yields," said Prokopanko. "But many others don't understand that balanced crop nutrition must form the basis for solutions."

O'Rourke engaged with fellow members of the World Economic Forum's Mining and Metals Industry Partner Group, as well as representatives from other attending companies in the agriculture sector, such as:  Bunge, CF Industries, Cargill, DuPont, Ma'aden, Monsanto, Syngenta and Yara. In addition, Prokopanko and O'Rourke met privately with NGO partners and government officials from countries of interest.

Mosaic participates all year long at World Economic Forum regional summits, and on several project boards, including the New Vision for Agriculture, Water Resource Group and Responsible Mineral Development Initiative. In this way, Mosaic hopes to educate other leaders about the need for sustainable agricultural intensification, contribute to best practices discussions and ensure we are well-positioned to help shape emerging solutions in the area of food security.

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