Southwest Airlines Co. reported traffic results for the month, fourth quarter and year ended December 2016. For the month, the company reported revenue passengers carried of 10,561,159 against 10,105,907 a year ago. Revenue passenger miles were 10,445,407,000 against 10,020,969,000 a year ago. Available seat miles were 12,645,787,000 against 12,068,272,000 a year ago. Load factor was 82.6% against 83.0% a year ago.

For the quarter, the company reported revenue passengers carried of 32,006,767 against 30,368,454 a year ago. Revenue passenger miles were 31,366,176,000 against 29,727,972,000 a year ago. Available seat miles were 37,147,109,000 against 35,367,574,000 a year ago. Load factor was 84.4% against 84.1% a year ago.

For the year, the company reported revenue passengers carried of 124,719,765 against 118,171,211 a year ago. Revenue passenger miles were 124,797,986,000 against 117,499,879,000 a year ago. Available seat miles were 148,522,051,000 against 140,501,409,000 a year ago. Load factor was 84.0% against 83.6% a year ago.

Based on these results and an improvement in close-in yields, the company now estimates its fourth quarter 2016 operating revenue per ASM (RASM) will decline in the 3.0% to 4.0% range, as compared with fourth quarter 2015.