Business description: Safran

Safran is a high technology international group, a leading equipment provider in the Aerospace and Defense markets. The group specializes in the design, manufacturing, and marketing of equipment and systems of high technology mechanical and electronic equipment. Net sales break down by product family as follows:

- aeronautic and space propulsion systems (51.2%): helicopter motors (No. 1 worldwide), civil and military airplanes motors, systems for space lancers and missiles, turboreactors for drone targets, etc.;

- aircraft equipment, defense systems and aerosystems (38%): airplane engine pods, landing gear, braking systems, electric wiring systems, etc. Safran also offers on board aircraft systems and equipment (primarily evacuation slides, emergency arresting systems, protective parachutes and oxygen systems, electrical power management systems, control systems, water and waste management systems and connectivity systems) and defense and security systems (helicopter flight controls, fingerprint-based biometric identification systems (No. 1 worldwide), inertial systems, optronic systems, tactical drone systems, etc.);

- aircraft interiors (10.7%): cabin interiors and seats;

- other (0.1%).

Net sales are distributed geographically as follows: France (19.4%), Europe (24%), the Americas (34.8%), Asia and Oceania (13.2%), Africa and the Middle East (8.6%).

Number of employees: 87,055

Sales by Activity: Safran

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023

Aerospace Propulsion

12.04B 7.66B 7.44B 9.51B 11.88B

Aeronautical Equipment, Defense and Aerosystems

9.26B 6.89B 6.32B 7.54B 8.84B

Aircraft Interiors

3.32B 1.92B 1.48B 1.98B 2.48B

Unallocated Currency Hedges

458M 133M -124M 488M 452M

Holding Company and Other

18M 20M 18M 16M 11M
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: Safran

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023


8.62B 5.43B 5.09B 7.15B 8.08B

Europe (Excl. France)

5.24B 3.45B 3.14B 3.79B 5.57B


4.87B 3.82B 3.31B 4.05B 4.49B

Asia and Oceania

3.73B 2.67B 2.71B 2.4B 3.05B

Africa and Middle East

2.19B 1.12B 999M 1.64B 2.01B


458M 133M -124M 488M 452M
See all geographic segments

Managers: Safran

Director TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 63 31/12/2020
Director of Finance/CFO 55 31/12/2021
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 57 30/06/2021
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 60 20/01/2021
Comptroller/Controller/Auditor 49 31/03/2015
See SAFRAN governance

Members of the board: Safran

Manager TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 62 30/06/1990
Director/Board Member 69 27/05/2013
Chairman 70 22/04/2015
Director/Board Member 62 14/05/2017
Director/Board Member 69 27/05/2013
Director/Board Member 74 24/05/2018
Director/Board Member 55 22/05/2019
Director/Board Member 54 30/04/2020
Director/Board Member 63 30/04/2020
Director/Board Member 63 31/12/2020
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: Safran

Government of France
11.33 %
47,983,131 11.33 % 11 966 M €
Sagem SA Employee Stock Ownership Plan
6.187 %
26,208,937 6.187 % 6 536 M €
TCI Fund Management Ltd.
5.246 %
22,223,357 5.246 % 5 542 M €
BlackRock Fund Advisors
5.104 %
21,622,442 5.104 % 5 392 M €
3.242 %
13,733,425 3.242 % 3 425 M €
Aristotle Capital Management LLC
0.1115 %
1,888,797 0.1115 % 118 M €
Mar Vista Investment Partners LLC
0.004134 %
70,056 0.004134 % 4 M €
Sit Investment Associates, Inc.
0.001857 %
31,465 0.001857 % 2 M €
Hantz Financial Services, Inc.
0.00162 %
27,458 0.00162 % 2 M €
Capital Research & Management Co.
0.001493 %
25,291 0.001493 % 2 M €
List of SAFRAN shareholders

Holdings: Safran

13,733,4253.24%3,424,951,943 $

Company details: Safran

Safran SA

2, boulevard du Général Martial Valin

75015, Paris

+33 1 40 60 80 80
address Safran(SAF)

Group companies: Safran

NameCategory and Sector
Safran Aircraft Engine Hyderabad Pvt Ltd.
Safran Electrical & Power India Pvt Ltd.
Aerospace & Defense
Other Transportation
SOC Exploitation Materiels Martin Baker
See all subsidiaries

Other Aircraft Parts Manufacturing

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
-0.16%+2.25%+40.26%+113.35% 106B
+0.60%-1.29%+19.23%+105.67% 74.89B
+0.39%+1.44%+118.77%+270.95% 52.08B
-0.35%-2.58%+24.46%+69.17% 28.68B
-0.02%+0.79%+52.09%+68.78% 18.34B
-0.13%+3.86%+16.88%-21.96% 14.15B
-0.55%+2.35%+54.29%+159.01% 13.4B
-0.26%+0.92% - - 9.15B
+0.17%+4.23%+5.53%-33.63% 7.84B
-.--%-.--%-.--%+6.65% 7.35B
Average -0.03%+1.00%+36.83%+82.00% 33.15B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.08%+0.72%+45.12%+120.51%
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