BERLIN (dpa-AFX) - The co-federal spokesman for the Green Youth, Timon Dzienus, has warned against alienating the Greens from the climate movement. "Right now, the Greens would need the support of the climate movement," he told the news portal "t-online" on Friday. "The RWE deal doesn't help there at all." He also said the eviction in Lützerath was a "danger" to the identity and unity of the Green Party.

Dzienus criticized that the deal with the energy company RWE was no progress for climate protection. He said that, like many in the climate movement, he had hoped that the Greens in a government would have the courage to "take on unjust ownership and large corporations."

The energy company RWE wants to excavate the coal lying under Lützerath - for this the hamlet on the territory of the city of Erkelenz is to be demolished. Climate activists have been living in vacant houses in Lützerath for months; they want to oppose the eviction.

The economics ministries led by the Greens in the federal government and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia had agreed with the energy company RWE on a coal phase-out brought forward to 2030. Five already largely empty villages at the Garzweiler open pit mine in the neighborhood of Lützerath will be preserved./xil/DP/nas