Rekor Systems, Inc. announced its Urban Mobility division's cutting-edge Rekor Discover? platform has been chosen by the New Mexico Department of Transportation (NMDOT) to conduct Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) 13 bin vehicle class, count and speed data reporting for a phase one statewide deployment. Each of the initial 40 systems features Rekor Edge Series units utilizing advanced Edge AI to aggregate, transform, and securely deliver holistic traffic insights in real-time to Rekor Discover?.

This agreement follows the Company's standard MSRP pay-for-data pricing and the NMDOT will commence monthly payments as each system is brought online. A critical deciding factor that led to this partnership is the AI powering Rekor Discover?. The ability to capture traffic analytics reliably and precisely throughout all of New Mexico's varied climate, ranging from snowy conditions to extreme heat, was a key requirement met by Rekor's technology.

Rekor's solution replaces traditional, outdated traffic analysis methods such as rubber tubes and embedded roadway sensors in a noteworthy leap forward. These legacy technologies are prone to failure, create traffic disruptions, contribute to pollution, and put workers in danger as they deploy analog technology directly onto roadways. Traditional data collection methods are also vulnerable to weather-related disruptions, many of which have experienced significant service outages.

Rekor Edge Series systems, on the other hand, operate at the side of the roadway and seamlessly transmit key insights into the Rekor Discover? platform, eliminating the risks mentioned above while delivering highly accurate traffic data. Rekor Edge Systems, combined with the Rekor Discover?

platform, deliver technology resilient to weather-related changes, ideally suited for statewide deployment in New Mexico, providing a reliable and continuous feed of federally required traffic data. The required monthly data reporting from state Departments of Transportation (DOTs) to the FHWA enables evidence-based decision-making, promotes transparency, and contributes to the overall effectiveness of the U.S. highway system. Federal policy requires state DOTs to report traffic data to the FHWA for several important reasons: Assessing Highway System Health: The FHWA uses this data to evaluate the condition and performance of the national highway system.

By collecting information from state DOTs, the FHWA gains insights into road conditions, traffic flow, and infrastructure health. This assessment helps inform decisions about funding allocation, maintenance priorities, and investment strategies for highways across the country. Informed Policy Decisions: The data collected by state DOTs contributes to informed policy decisions at both federal and state levels.

It allows policymakers to understand transportation trends, identify areas for improvement, and develop effective strategies to enhance safety, efficiency, and sustainability. Transparency and Accountability: By sharing traffic data with the FHWA, state DOTs promote transparency in the transportation sector. The public can access this information, including local governments, private businesses, and the media.

Transparency fosters accountability and ensures that decisions related to transportation infrastructure are made based on reliable data. Monitoring Road System Performance: The FHWA licenses the National Performance Management Research Data Set (NPMRDS), which includes traffic data. State DOTs and Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) use this dataset to monitor and report on road system performance.

It helps track metrics such as travel times, congestion, and reliability. Benefits of Rekor Discover?: Automate accurate roadway intelligence: Artificial intelligence fully automates the accurate and precise capture of traffic data, reducing errors and manual intervention allowing transportation agencies to focus on other critical tasks. Deploy safely and without disruptions: Rekor's Edge systems are deployed quickly and easily on the side of the road without requiring workers to enter unsafe conditions, cut into the pavement, or disrupt traffic.

Gather ground truth in all conditions: Built to function in adverse weather conditions and various traffic situations, Rekors systems are ready for a wide variety of rugged and changing environments. Always on and always up-to-date: Rekor's systems are remotely monitored through a connected operations dashboard to perform necessary health checks as well as seamless software and firmware updates, optimizing up-time and incorporating the latest in AI technology.