Anders Slettengren has been appointed as new Senior Investment Director at Ratos. Anders will join Ratos from his role as CEO of Industrifonden and will assume his position in August 2018 at the latest. Anders Slettengren has longstanding experience from executive positions in investment and company development. Most recently, Anders served as CEO of Industrifonden, where he created good results and strong value growth. At Industrifonden, Anders also carried out extensive work with a focus on strategic reorganisation and portfolio enhancement as well as organisational and cultural development. Prior to that, Anders worked for 13 years as Investment Manager and CEO of Novax, helping to build Axel Johnsson AB's wholly owned investment company for growth companies. His previous experience includes various managerial and specialist roles in sales, marketing and business development at Unilever and Microsoft in Sweden and UK. Anders will assume his new position in August 2018 at the latest.