Today, Belgacom CEO Dominique Leroy, has presented a strategic and organizational blueprint for the Company to the Board of Directors.

Belgacom wants to simplify its management structures in order to increase the speed of decisions, the strategic alignment, and the team collaboration, with the objective to ultimately improve customer experience and ensure our long term success.

As part of this vision, the Board of Directors has approved the CEO's proposal  for the following major changes in the composition of its Management Committee, effective immediately.

Belgacom can count on highly skilled talents:  after the nomination of Dominique Leroy as Chief Executive Officer, Dirk Lybaert is now promoted to the new position of Executive Vice President Corporate Affairs, regrouping the following areas of responsibilities: Group Communications, Legal, Public Affairs, Regulatory, Security Governance & Investigations. Graduate in Law and in Criminology, Dirk first worked several years as Officer of the Belgian Gendarmerie. He joined the Belgacom Group in 2000 as Senior Legal Counsel but rapidly took over Director responsibilities and enlarged the scope of his successive positions over the years. Dirk is since 2005 Secretary General of Belgacom. Over and beyond the outstanding knowledge of the business and the rich and unique experience he gathered over the years, Dirk definitively has the proper skills required to join the Belgacom Management Committee. He presents key competences such as reliability, action and result-driven, master in diplomacy and great team-player.

Belgacom is also announcing the cancellation of the position of Executive Vice President Strategy & Content, part of the Management Committee. Bruno Chauvat, who was performing this function since 2011, has left the Belgacom Group today. Belgacom would like to thank him for his professionalism and contributions over the last years, especially his willingness to define the best strategic directions at corporate level and to push ahead our convergence strategy between telecoms, content and applications.  Belgacom also wishes to thank Bruno for having played a key role as a consultant in the launch of Belgacom TV in 2005, and having worked with the Belgacom teams to turn it into an internationally recognized success story.

Further to this departure, the Group Strategy & Content activities will be reorganised inside our organization so as to better answer the strategic ambitions of the company and clarify roles and responsibilities. The activities related to Content will be integrated into the Consumer and Service Delivery Engine & Wholesale Business Units bringing these activities closer to Belgacom's customers' needs. The "Strategy" activity has been redefined and will directly report to the CEO.  Vincent Licoppe will take up these responsibilities as Head of Group Strategy & Transformation.

Following the appointment of Belgacom's CEO, the company has started a recruitment selection process with internal and external candidates so as to fill in without delay the position of Executive Vice President of the Consumer Business Unit.

Belgacom is delighted to further count on the full dedication and high professionalism of the other members of the Management Committee, namely Bart Van Den Meersche, Geert Standaert, Ray Stewart and Michel Georgis, respectively in charge of the Enterprise Business Unit, Service & Delivery Engine, Group Finance and Group Human Resources.

We are confident that with these changes Belgacom will succeed in delivering a better customer service and further improve its results.

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