Nutrien Ltd. announced the expansion of its proximity monitoring and contact tracing technology, Proximity Trace from Triax Technologies, which has emerged as an important tool to help track and combat the spread of COVID-19. More than 8,000 employees are using the technology to date, with an additional 6,500 expected to be part of the expansion in the coming months, representing 65% of Nutrien’s global employee base. At the start of the pandemic, Nutrien was deemed an essential service in its core markets for its role in supporting the agriculture industry. To help mitigate the spread of the virus, Nutrien partnered with Triax to help its workers maintain a minimum of six feet of physical distancing and automatically capture data about their interactions with coworkers, as part of its COVID-19 protocols. Nutrien has always had a safety-first culture, and technology and innovation support that core value. Originally deployed last July at Nutrien’s Nitrogen and Phosphate sites in the United States, Proximity Trace is now being rolled out at Nutrien’s Potash mines in Saskatchewan and at corporate offices in Colorado, Illinois, Alberta and Saskatchewan. Proximity Trace tags are attached to workers’ clothing or hard hats and produce an audio and visual alert to those who come within six feet of one another. These wearable sensors also automatically log data for leaders to quickly perform contact tracing if a positive case arises, thereby preventing further spread at the site and reassuring those who are not at risk. Since it pinpoints the individuals who may have been exposed, the solution also helps Nutrien minimize operational shutdowns and reduces the risk of associated costs and product delivery delays.