Hybrid Fuels Inc. announced that their nutraceutical product engineers have just delivered a new development for the company. The company's product Azul Instant(TM) is now going to be manufactured to include a more satisfying flavor. This little pill is currently being taste tested with an orange flavor that has been added to its advanced formula, with two more flavors being considered. The improved Azul Instant(TM) should also be easier to digest. Final taste tests are scheduled to conclude later April 2012. The new and improved Azul Instant(TM) is scheduled for distribution in May 2012. Azul Instant(TM) was developed by the scientific research and development team of the company to provide a safe and natural alternative for the millions of men suffering from erectile dysfunction. Patients will now receive the NATURAL benefits of Azul Instant(TM) and unlike pharmaceutical drugs such as Cialis, Viagra and Levitra, Azul Instant(TM), carries no dangerous side effects. While there are other natural alternative supplements on the market, Azul Instant(TM) is the only male enhancement product that works as fast as 5 minutes. Azul Instant(TM) can last for up to 48 hours and has proven to help enhance sexual stamina, endurance, strength and energy with no side effects.