MBG Holdings Inc. secured a contract to design, build and deploy the cellular and fiber networks for TechFort, a large-scale, much-anticipated development in Dover, England, UK. MBG has the sole rights to develop the fiber, the conduit, neutral host cellular, and private 5G cellular for the 40-acre campus with office space, multifamily homes, entertainment venues, and more. Situated on the British coast overlooking the port of Dover, TechFort is an ambitious construction and renovation project that repurposes the famous Western Heights, a series of Napoleon-era fortresses, into an advanced technology hub.

MBG will develop and operate a neutral-host network to support fiber and cellular access by ISPs and Mobile Network Operators throughout the campus. Additionally, MBG will design and build an MBG Amply-5 Private 5G Network to support security, IoT, and smart city applications. To support connectivity throughout the campus, MBG will deploy the MBG ASPire line of products to provide first-in-class cellular access in addition to smart city applications.