Itron, Inc. announced that National Grid has selected Itron's smart grid solution which uses Cisco's multi-application communications network for the utility's 10,000 meter Smart Grid Pilot Program in Worcester, Mass. This project adds to the successful 5,000 meter early field trial (EFT) that started in February 2012 in Worcester. National Grid will begin deploying the full pilot in early 2013.

The expanded Smart Grid Pilot Program will leverage and build upon the smart grid infrastructure from the EFT. National Grid will also expand the highly secure IPv6 communication network based on Cisco's GridBlocks(TM) architecture and Cisco Connected Grid routers. Back office applications, including Itron's meter data management, collection engine and reporting software, Cisco's Connected Grid Network Management System, and other third party application software will continue to be provided through Itron's cloud computing and Software as a Service (SaaS) offerings.

National Grid's Smart Grid Pilot will evaluate the integration of home automation, dynamic pricing and distribution automation as a mechanism to improve service reliability and save customers money through increased energy awareness. The pilot will provide customers access to detailed energy usage information, which customers can access online, with cell phone apps or through a variety of technologies installed in homes and businesses.