GB Sciences, Inc. announced that it iscusses the current and future importance of its proprietary drug discovery platform PhAROS™ (Phytomedical Analytics for Research Optimization at Scale) at the 2nd ALCOR Drug Discovery Platform Summit. PhAROS™ uses AI-enhanced data analytics and machine learning to identify and predict the efficacy of combinations of novel active ingredients from plants (aka "minimum essential mixtures"). Gb Sciences' proprietary minimum essential mixtures are designed to retain the efficacy of whole plant therapies while maintaining the manufacturing and quality control advantages of single-ingredient pharmaceutical products.
To date, PhAROS™ has identified potential plant-inspired therapeutic mixtures for the treatment of neurological disorders, inflammation, anxiety, depression, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, chronic pain, and others. These minimum essential mixtures were then validated in cell and now animal models in preparation for safety and efficacy testing in human clinical trials. Recently, Gb Sciences has been issued four U.S. patents for its late preclinical stage formulations that are being developed for the treatment of Parkinson's disease, inflammation, chronic pain, and heart disease, respectively. As Gb Sciences' drug development pipeline advances these drug candidates into human clinical trials, the value of the PhAROS™ drug discovery platform increases, thus, becoming an important asset for the future growth of the company.