Gamma Communications plc announced that, following the AGM held on May 17, 2023, Martin Lea has ceased to be a Director of the Board. Following his retirement, the Nomination Committee has recommended, and the Board has approved, changes to the composition of the Board's committees in line with best practice. The membership of the Board's committees is set out below.

Henrietta Marsh remains the Senior Independent Director. Nomination Committee: Chair: Richard Last. Members: Henrietta Marsh, Charlotta Ginman and Xavier Robert.

Audit Committee: Chair: Charlotta Ginman. Members: Henrietta Marsh and Rachel Addison. Remuneration Committee: Chair: Henrietta Marsh.

Members: Xavier Robert, Shaun Gregory and Rachel Addison. Risk Committee: chair; Rachel Addison. Members; Xavier Robert, Charlotta Ginman, Bill Castell, John Murphy, Chief Operating Officer.

ESG Committee: chair; Shaun Gregory. Members; Henrietta Marsh and Andrew Belshaw.