NEW YORK (dpa-AFX Broker) - The US investment bank Morgan Stanley has downgraded FMC from "Equal-weight" to "Underweight" and lowered the price target from 38 to 33 euros. After last year's valuation-driven recovery, earnings performance (EPS) is likely to play a bigger role in 2024 for the relative winners and losers among Europe's medical technology stocks, analyst Robert Davies wrote in an industry outlook available on Monday. His favorite stocks are Smith & Nephew and Biomerieux, while he rates Straumann as the least attractive. Davies justified the downgrade of dialysis provider FMC with the business risks posed by the new weight loss drugs (GLP-1)./gl/edh

Publication of the original study: 08.01.2024 / 04:31 / GMT First disclosure of the original study: Date not specified in study / Time not specified in study / Time zone not specified in study


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