First IBL Modaraba announced that in a surprising turn of events, Mr. Aamir Manzoor has tendered his resignation as the Chief Executive of IBL Modaraba Management (Pvt.), the esteemed management company responsible for overseeing operations at First IBL Modaraba. This unexpected development has sparked discussions about the future direction of the company and the need for new leadership to steer its course. The resignation of Mr. Manzoor, who has held the position of Chief Executive for several years, comes as a shock to both employees and stakeholders of IBL Modaraba Management.

Known for his exceptional leadership and strategic acumen, his departure will undoubtedly leave a void that must be filled promptly. The company aims to find a leader with a proven track record in the financial industry, who can effectively guide the Modaraba towards sustainable growth and uphold its commitment to Shariah-compliant financial practices.