Latest Monthly Sales Figures

Year to August 2015 (September 1, 2014 ~ August 31, 2015)

Monthly Sales for December 2014

Bulletin on sales for December 2014 (28KB)

Y/Y (%)
Net Sales 110.2 108.4 111.7 110.3 112.1 111.0
Customer Numbers 98.6 98.1 100.1 99.8 100.3 100.1
Average Purchase per Customer 111.7 110.5 111.6 110.5 111.8 110.8
Note: Same stores: The change in the number of stores from the beginning through to the final day of the business year.
Own Stores: Refers to existing stores, plus store changes of less than a year's duration as of previous year, business year end, plus new store openings in the current business.
Online Sales: Total direct mail and corporate sales.

(This data refers purely to UNIQLO stores within Japan and does not include any UNIQLO stores outside of Japan or non-UNIQLO businesses.)

Sales Comment for the month of December 2014 Store Openings and Closures: Openings: 2 UNIQLO stores Closures: 1 UNIQLO store

Please click here for UNIQLO store opening/closing (Japan) data by month.

Sales Comment:

December 2014 same-store sales increased by 10.2% year on year while sales at our own stores increased by 11.7%.
Total sales including online sales increased by 12.1%.

Same-store sales rose in December with the onset of cold weather in the early part of the month boosting sales of core winter ranges.

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