FARO® announced the release of SCENE 2019 (http://www.faro.com/scene), an advanced, integrated software platform that optimizes the FARO Focus Laser Scanner product family. SCENE 2019 is specifically designed to evolve the 3D reality capture, analysis and documentation experience across the public safety forensics segment for crash, crime, fire and security planning and Traceable ConstructionTM for Architecture, Engineering and Construction markets. Process Scans Up to 50% Faster: A breakthrough FARO innovation in SCENE 2019 allows the laser scanner CPU (Central Processing Unit) to be leveraged at nearly 100% of capacity and reduces scan processing time by up to 50%. Additionally, this efficiency scales up accordingly as additional CPU cores are added. Significantly Reduce Clean up: Another FARO innovation, Moving Objects Filter, enables automated ghosting or easy removal of undesirable objects moving through a scene e.g. people or vehicles. This significantly reduces data cleanup time and effort for unwanted items. Easily Merge Scans from Different Locations: Advanced new functionality now enables a section of a point cloud to be exported from SCENE into FARO Zone 3D software, or other 3rd party software packages, where they can be displayed in color and manipulated as a 3D model. It is now much easier to merge scans for FARO Zone 3D from different locations. For example, in a crash reconstruction, a user can first scan the roadway where a crash occurred, scan the vehicles at the impound lot and then integrate the meshed point clouds in FARO Zone 3D.