Enjoy S.A. (SNSE:ENJOY) entered into a share purchase agreement to acquire Casino de Juegos del Pacifico S.A. and Casino Gran Los Angeles S.A. from Latin Gaming Chile S.A, Latin Gaming Investment del Norte S.A. and Inmobiliaria Polaris S.A for CLF 0.16 million on August 16, 2018. The transaction has been financed from Enjoy's own resources. The deal is subject to various conditions, mainly: (a) the approval of the Superintendent of Casinos; (b) the authorization by the National Economic Prosecutor's Office. The transaction has been approved by the regulatory bodies Fiscalia Nacional Economica and Superintendencia de Casinos de Juego. Enjoy S.A. (SNSE:ENJOY) completed the acquisition of Casino de Juegos del Pacifico S.A. and Casino Gran Los Angeles S.A. from Latin Gaming Chile S.A, Latin Gaming Investment del Norte S.A. and Inmobiliaria Polaris S.A on August 17, 2018. Cordero Becker, Vicente, Bórquez Electorat, Francisco, Poblete Laval, José Miguel and Viertel Iñiguez, Macarena of Barros & Errázuriz Abogados acted as legal advisor to Latin Gaming S.A.