(Microsoft Word - 2015 01 26 Altera347343o do Acordo de Acionistas (ENG) (V2).docx)

ENEVA S.A. - In Judicial Recovery
CNPJ/MF: 04.423.567/0001-21
Publicly-held Company
Rio de Janeiro, January 26, 2015 - ENEVA S.A. - In Judicial Recovery ("ENEVA" or "Company") (BM&FBovespa: ENEV3, GDR I: ENEVY), in accordance with Article 157, Paragraph Four, of the Brazilian Corporations Law and CVM Resolution N. 358/02, hereby informs to its shareholders and the market in general that has been informed today of the execution of an amendment to the Shareholders' Agreement entered into by and among DD Brazil Holdings S.À R.L. ("E.ON") and Mr. Eike Fuhrken Batista.
The current version of the Shareholders' Agreement reflects, among others, the changes to the
Company's By-laws approved at the Extraordinary General Meeting held on December 30,
2014, including the change of the composition of the Board of Directors.
The full text of the Shareholders' Agreement is available on the IR website of ENEVA, as well as on the websites of CVM - Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission and BM&FBovespa S.A. - Brazilian Stock Exchange.
Ricardo Levy
Executive Vice-President and Investor Relations Officer
ENEVA S.A. - In Judicial Recovery


ENEVA is a power generation and trading company, with complementary businesses in natural gas exploration and production. The Company currently has approximately 2.9GW of gross installed capacity in operation, which places it among the largest private power generation companies in Brazil. ENEVA also owns an interest in natural gas onshore blocks in the Parnaíba Basin.

Investor Relations:Rodrigo Vilela Carlos Cotrim

+55 21 3721-3030 ri@eneva.com.br ri.eneva.com.br


Carla Assemany +55 21 3721-3359 / +55 21 99953-7255

Marina Duarte +55 21 3721-3373 / + 55 21 98132-0459

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