• The new agreement could benefit 150 local authorities and entail savings

• From 1 January, Catalonia's local authorities will enjoy lower gas prices.

Endesa has won a tender to supply gas to the Catalan Association of Municipalities. At present 65 municipalities are covered by this agreement. However, as the agreement includes public administration, mainly city and county councils, and offers very attractive prices, it is expected that up to 150 local authorities could benefit from savings. 

The tender, issued by the Catalan Consortium for Local Development, will run for one year and may be renewed each year for up to three years. The basic agreement is worth Euro 4 million and covers gas services from 1 January 2015.

This agreement makes it easier for any public authority to join as it eliminates the need for individual tenders. It is also expected that Endesa will draw up personalised advisory and energy efficiency programmes wherever needed.

This contract complements the existing one under which Endesa supplies public government, encompassing 600 bodies and municipalities, with 20,000 supply points.

The Catalan Association of Municipalities and Councils was set up on 3 October 1981, and covers over 95% of the region's local authorities. The Association works to defend the interests of its 918 members and acts as their representative body. It is currently chaired by the Mayor of Premià de Mar, Miquel Buch.

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