• Its aim is to demonstrate the economic, environmental and social viability of using electric urban buses in eight European cities.

• Endesa's participation focuses on recharging processes and the impact of electric buses on power grids.

• Project ZeEUS is included in the EC's Seventh Framework Programme, which encompasses all its research initiatives.

Endesa is the only Spanish utility, and one of just two representatives from the European electricity sector, to be included in the consortium involved in the EC's Project ZeEUS (Zero Emission Urban Bus System). This pioneering initiative, which kicks off today, intends to demonstrate the economic, environmental and social viability of electric urban buses. 

With a budget of EURO 22.2 million and scheduled to run for 42 months, Project ZeUS is included in the EC's Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7).

The consortium has 40 partners including top flight European companies and institutions such as Eurelectric, Vatenfall, Volvo, Skoda, UITP (Union Internationale Des Transports Publics), IDIADA, Bus Transport For London, Universita Degli Studi Di Roma La Sapienza, ASSTRA (Associazione Trasporti). Transportes Metropolitanos de Barcelona (TMB) and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Irizar, GMV and Enide are other Spanish partners which, together with Endesa, will carry out demonstration tests in Barcelona, the only Spanish city to be included in the project.  Project ZeEUS will be trialled in eight cities including Barcelona, Bonn, Rome, Pilsen, Munster and one city in Italy (to be determined) where electric buses will be used. Meanwhile London, Glasgow and Stockholm will trial hybrid, extended-range vehicles. 

The Barcelona demonstration project, involving Endesa, includes four buses and four rapid charging facilities at the city's bus depot. Endesa will be responsible for:

  • Designing a smart system to manage the charging process.
  • Monitoring the impact of the various charging processes on the quality of the electricity grid.
  • Liaising with other European e-mobility projects such as Green eMotion, and dissemination via Eurelectric.

Key demonstration project

Extending electric solutions in public transport is a growing trend in Europe and electric buses should soon come into to the market, providing an interesting way to meet urban environmental targets in large cities (e.g. air quality, reduction of pollutant and noise emissions). Developing e-mobility will help achieve these objectives, but until the market matures, demonstration projects like ZeEUS are crucial.

Electric vehicles and the Enel Group

The Enel Group is developing innovative e-mobility solutions and is working on major projects to promote e-mobility in the countries where it operates, particularly in Italy and Spain. 

Enel has developed and installed a smart charging infrastructure using the Group's own smart meters which are now used by millions of its customers across Europe. In addition to offering a basic charging service, the Enel Group's recharging points are connected to the EMMS (Electric Mobility Management System) in real time, thus offering users added-value functions. Users are able to locate and reserve a charging point and monitor their energy consumption.

Enel and Endesa also participate in various projects financed by the European Union to promote e-mobility and define the regulatory framework in Europe such as Green eMotion and Unplugged.

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