DEXUS Property Group (ASX: DXS)

ASX release

20 January 2014

DEXUS and CPPIB change in substantial holding for CPA

DEXUS Funds Management Limited and Canada Pension Plan Investment Board today lodged a change of interests of substantial holder notice in relation to their holding in Commonwealth Property Office Fund (CPA).

For further information please contact:

DEXUS Investor queries

David Yates T: +61 2 9017 1424

M: +61 418 861 047


DEXUS Media queries Peter Brookes, Citadel

T: +61 2 9290 3033

M: +61 407 911 389


CPPIB Media queries


Linda Sims


T: +1 416 868 8695


CPPIB Media queries


Nigel Kassulke, Cannings

T: +61 2 8284 9990

M: +61 407 904874


DEXUS Property Group (DEXUS) is one of Australia's leading real estate groups, investing directly in high quality Australian office and industrial properties. With over $13 billion of assets under management, DEXUS also actively manages office, industrial and retail properties located in key Australian markets on behalf of third party capital partners. DEXUS manages an office portfolio of over 900,000 square metres across Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth and is one of the largest institutional owners of office buildings in the Sydney CBD, Australia's largest office market. DEXUS is a Top 50 entity by market capitalisation listed on the Australian Securities Exchange under the stock market trading code 'DXS' and is supported by more than 19,000 investors from 19 countries. With over 25 years of experience in commercial property investment, development and asset management, DEXUS has a proven track record in capital and risk management, providing service excellence to tenants and delivering superior risk-adjusted returns to investors.

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DEXUS Funds Management Ltd ABN 24 060 920 783, AFSL 238163, as Responsible Entity for DEXUS Property Group (ASX: DXS)

About Canada Pension Plan Investment Board

Canada Pension Plan Investment Board (CPPIB) is a professional investment management organization that invests the funds not needed by the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) to pay current benefits on behalf of 18 million Canadian contributors and beneficiaries. In order to build a diversified portfolio of CPP assets, CPPIB invests in public equities, private equities, real estate, infrastructure and fixed income instruments. Headquartered in Toronto, with offices in London and Hong Kong, CPPIB is governed and managed independently of the Canada Pension Plan and at arm's length from governments. At September 30, 2013, the CPP Fund totalled C$192.8 billion of which C$22.0 billion represents real estate investments. For more information about CPPIB, please visit

Form 604

Corporations Act 2001

Section 671B

Notice of change of interests of substantial holder

To Company Name/Scheme Commonwealth Property Office Fund ("CPA") ACN/ARSN ARSN 086 029 736

1.Details of substantial holder (1)

604 15 July 2001
Name This notice is given by DEXUS Funds Management Limited ("DXFM"), as trustee of DEXUS Office Trust Australia and responslble entity of each of the trusts that comprlse the DEXUS Property Group. The notice is given by DXFM on
behalf of itself and on behalf of each of lts related bodies corporate ("DEXUS Subsidiaries") that are held by DXFM as an asset of the trusts that comprise the DEXUS Property Group
This notice ls also given by Canada Pension Pian lnvestment Board ("CPPIB"), on behalf of itself and each of its related

bodles corporate. ACN/ARSN (if applicable) ACN 060 920 783 for DXFM. N/A for CPPIB.

There was a change in the interests of the

substantial holder on ---1'7-''-'/-'1...:../..::20.:...1c..c4___ The previous nolice was given lo the company on 17/1/2014 The previous nolice was daled 17/1/2014

2.Prevlous and present voting power

The lolal number of voles attached lo ali lhe voling shares in the company or voting interests in the scheme that the substantial holder or an associate (2) had a relevant inlerest (3) in when last required, and when now required, to give a substantial holding notice to the company or scheme, are as follows:

Class of securities (4)

Previous notice


Class of securities (4)

Person's voles

Voling power (5)

Person's votes

Voting power (5)

Fully paid units

603,513,963 Units

Note, CPPIB only has votes of 362,693,677



Note, CPPIB only has voling power of


607,595,554 Units

This includes lhe

350,000,000 ordinary units in CPA ("Units") arising under the arrangement set out in Annexure A to the Substanlial Holder Notice lodged by DXFM on 25 July

2013 ("Arrangement').

lt also includes lhe

16,775,268 votes attaching lo Units in which DXFM has a relevant interest as a resullof acceptances of DXFM's takeover bid ("DEXUS Offer'').

The remainder of DXFM's votes arise as a result of its association with Commonwealth Bank of Australia ("CBA') (see Substantial Holder Nolice lodged by DXFM on 16

December 2013).

Note, CPPIB only has

votes of 366,775,268 Units because it is not an associate of CBA.


Note, CPPIB only has voting power of 15.63% because it is not an associate of CBA.


3. Changes in relevant interests

604 15 July 2001

Particulars of each change in, or change in the nature of, a relevant interest of the substantial holder or an associate in voting securities of the company or scheme, since the substantial holder was las!required to give a substantial holding notice lo the company or scheme are as follows:

Date of change

Person whose relevant interest changed

Nature of change (6)

Consideration given in relation to change (7)

Class and number of securities affected

Person's votes affected



Change arising as a result of acceptances of the DEXUS Offer.

$0.7745 cash and

0.4516 DEXUS Stapled

Securities or

$0.8496 cash and

0.3801 DEXUS Stapled


4,081,591 Units


4. Present relevant interests

Particulars of each relevant interest of the substantial holder in voting securities alter the change are as follows:

Holderof relevant interest

Registered holder of securities

Person entitled lo be registered as holder (8)

Nature of relevant interest (6)

Class and numberof securities

Person's votes

DXFM and


In respect of the Units under the Arrangement, unknown.

However, as far as DXFM and CPPIB are aware, DBA currently holds a relevant interest in 382,180,004 Units

and DXFM may be taken to have a relevant

interest in those Units by

reason of the Arrangement (up to an interest of 350,000,000).

Referto the substantial holder notice lodged by DBA and appearing on ASX on 4 December

2013 for further

information about the registered holder of Units in which DBA has a relevant interest.

In respect of the Units under the Arrangement, unknown.

Referto the substantial holder notice lodged by DBA and appearing on ASX on 4 December

2013 for further

information about the person entitled to be registered as holder of Units in which DBA has a relevant interest.

Note, DXFM has given a notice requiring delivery of Units under the Arrangement. Delivery

of Units under that

Arrangement has been postponed until4

February 2014 (subject to further postponement).

Accordingly, the obligation for DXFM to take, and the obligation for DBA to make, delivery of Units under the Arrangement has arisen.

Neither DXFM nor CPPIB are the owner of Units.

However, under section


- DXFM may be taken to have a relevant interest in Units by reason of the Arrangement; and

- if DXFM had a relevant interest in

those Units then CPPIB

would also have a relevant interest in those Units by reason of the Joint Bid Agreement attached lo the Substantial Holder

Notice lodged with ASX

by DXFM on 20

December 2013.

To the extent that

section 608(8) confers the same relevant interest on DXFM as held by DBA as at 29

November 2013 (up to a maximum of


Units), DXFM

and CPPIB had a relevant interest

in 350,000,000


To the extent that

section 608(8) confers the same relevant interest on DXFM as held by DBA as at29

November 2013 (up to a maximum of

350,000,000 Units),


had a relevant interest in Units

with voting power of



In respect of Units arising under acceptances of the DEXUS Offer, the holders of Units who have accepted the DEXUS Offer.


Acquisitions arising

from acceptances of the

DEXUS Offer.

16,775,268 Units



ln respect of Units

arising under acceptances of the DEXUS Offer, the holders of Units who have accepted the DEXUS Offer.


lnterest arising under

the Joint Bid Agreement attached to the Substantial Holder Notice lodged with ASX by DXFM on 20

December 2013.

16,775,268 Units



5. Changes in association

604 15 July 2001

The persons who have become associates (2) of, ceased to be associates of, or have changed the nature of their association (9) wlth, the substantial holder in relation to voting interests in the company or scheme are as follows:

Name and ACN/ARSN (if applicable) Nature of association


6. Addresses

The addresses of persons named in this formare as follows:




Level25. Australia Square, 264-278 George Street, Sydney NSW 2000


One Queen Street East, Suite 2500, Toronto. Ontario, M5C 2W5. Canada


print name Davld Friedlander capacity Attorney


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