HAMBURG (dpa-AFX Broker) - The private bank Berenberg has lowered the target price for Carl Zeiss Meditec from 105 to 71 euros and left the rating at "Hold". The perception of the medical technology group as a quality company with a strong position in important markets has been undermined by the unpredictability of business development over the past 18 months, analyst Sam England wrote in a study published on Wednesday. The margin increase envisaged for 2024/25 is not in the company's hands alone. Based on his estimates, which he has now lowered following the profit warning in June, the share is still not cheap despite the price decline since then./gl/tih

Publication of the original study: 03.07.2024 / 16:50 / GMT First dissemination of the original study: Date not specified in study / Time not specified in study / Time zone not specified in study


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