BRUSSELS/PEKING (dpa-AFX) - In response to punitive tariffs on Chinese e-cars, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Brussels has warned of possible retaliatory measures by Beijing. It had been informed by "insiders" that China was considering imposing tariffs of 25 percent on imported vehicles with large engines, the chamber said in a statement on X on Tuesday.

This possible measure would have "implications for European and US car manufacturers, particularly in light of recent developments", the Chamber continued. Last week, US President Joe Biden imposed special tariffs of 100 percent on electric car imports from China.

The EU is currently investigating the extent to which China is distorting the market for electric cars. A decision on whether the EU will impose punitive tariffs is still pending.

The chamber also referred to an interview with Chinese automotive expert Liu Bin in the state-run Chinese newspaper "Global Times". In it, Liu spoke of adjusting customs duties for imported vehicles with engines over 2.5 liters. This could also help China to push for a transition to more environmentally friendly practices in the automotive industry and accelerate the reduction of emissions, according to Liu.

In the trade dispute between China and the West, Beijing's Ministry of Commerce launched an anti-dumping investigation against certain chemicals from the EU, the US, Japan and Taiwan only on Sunday. According to the ministry, the chemicals in question are "copolymerized paraformaldehyde", which can "partially replace copper, zinc, tin, lead and other metal materials" and is used in automotive parts, electrical appliances and industrial machinery, among other things./jpt/DP/jha