Ainos, Inc. announced that it had signed a Memorandum of Understanding with SIDSCO Biomedical Co. Ltd. The MoU is an important step in Ainos' strategy to expand its product line into the global pet care market. Under the agreement, Ainos and SIDSCO (collectively, the "Parties") will jointly explore the feasibility of VELDONA®?/Cytoprotein contract clinical trials.

Ainos intends to conduct animal clinical trials for veterinary investigational medicines in conjunction with SIDSCO, and will provide the technical knowledge, funding, and assistance required for the project. The experience of many veterinarians using over-the-counter medications has also shown that many cases of feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS) have been significantly improved through the use of interferons. It can be seen that interferon has a good effect on chronic gingivostomATitis in cats, and it has no adverse effects when used in combination with other drugs.

The results of the Agricultural Science and Technology Research Institute's potency and cytotoxicity tests on VELDONA®? using feline macrophages (FCGS) confirmed its antiviral efficacy and established an effective and safe dosage. Ainos' upcoming clinical trial, expected to be held in cooperation with SIDSCO at Mercy Animal Medical Center, will investigate VELDONA®?'s safe use and efficacy for the treatment of FCGS in cats via oral mucosal administration.

FCGS is characterized by severe inflammation of the gingiva, buccal mucosa, and caudal oral mucosa. There are two types of FCGS. Type 1 includes cases with alveolar and labial/buccal mucositis/stomatitis only, while Type 2 covers cases with caudal mucositis/stOMatitis, with or without alveolar and labial and labial/Buccal mucositis/Stomatitis.

If the results of this trial meet the expected efficacy requirements, the Company will submit a formal application to Taiwan'sB Bureau of Prevention and Inspection of the Ministry of Agriculture for animal new drug field trials. This would represent a significant step forward in the process of obtaining an animal new drug license. Ainos plans to conduct the upcoming clinical study in cooperation with SIDSCo at Mercy Animal Medical Center.