OneTrust is working with Adobe to release two new mobile tools to empower privacy and marketing professionals to better understand opportunities and potential privacy risks. Data Privacy Day is an international effort held annually on Jan. 28 to create awareness about the importance of respecting privacy, safeguarding data and enabling trust. The new OneTrust for Adobe Experience Platform Launch and Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK integration will maintain records of consent for OneTrust customers developing mobile apps with Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK. The Mobile App Privacy Health Check gives companies deeper insight into the technologies they are using to power customer mobile experiences. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and other global privacy regulations have put a brighter spotlight on mobile app technologies and user preference practices. Companies developing mobile solutions and delivering upon mobile-first strategies are seeking solutions to continue to build intelligent, data-driven applications that respect a user's privacy, build trust and brand loyalty. The new Mobile App Privacy Health Check gives organizations an understanding of the privacy permissions, frameworks and SDKs that may exist on their app. Organizations provide a copy of the app and receive a report, which will help privacy teams broker conversations with business units and developers about an app's "privacy health." The report also provides insights when developing transparency and privacy choices for users. To celebrate Data Privacy Day, OneTrust will provide early access to the Mobile App Privacy Health Check to the first 100 submissions, with broader availability at a later date. The new OneTrust for Adobe Experience Platform Launch and Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK integration, available soon in the Adobe Exchange for Adobe Experience Cloud App Store, will link OneTrust's mobile app records of consent to apps using the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK. The integration will allow businesses to record a user's consent preferences for GDPR and other compliance purposes. If that privacy preference is changed, the record will be updated in OneTrust. This integration adds a mobile component to the OneTrust for Adobe Experience Platform Launch extension announced in 2018.