374 Water Inc. announced that Yaacov "Kobe" Nagar will transition from Chief Executive Officer, effective September 1, 2023, as part of a strategic realignment by the Company to focus on technology deployment, enhancement, and customer delivery. Mr. Nagar assumes the role of Technology Principal and will continue as the Chairman of the Board of Directors. Mr. Nagar will continue supporting development and the deployment of the Company's commercial AirSCWO systems, including the deployment of the initial system to Orange County Sanitation District.

As co-founder, inventor, and one of the lead engineers developing the AirSCWO technology, Mr. Nagar remains instrumental to fulfill the Company's mission of ushering in a new era in waste management. Jeff Quick, General Counsel of 374Water, has been appointed interim CEO. Since July 2022, Mr. Quick has served as General Counsel, focusing on all aspects of 374Water's legal and business needs.

Mr. Quick has extensive corporate and securities experience including venture capital, M&A and private equity, and has managed complex public and private company issues for decades. He graduated from Harvard Law School and received his B.S. in Accounting from the University of Colorado, Boulder. The Board will conduct a comprehensive CEO search for a successor with broad based skills and experience, through the engagement of a strategic executive recruiting firm.