Relative Strength Chart S&P GSCI Soy beans Index
Real-time USA 15:41:40 13/02/2025 GMT | 5-day change | 1st Jan Change | ||
413.70 PTS | -0.36% |
-2.03% | +3.12% |
02:25pm | CBOT Trends-Wheat up 3-5 cents, corn down 1-3 cents, soy down 2-4 cents | RE |
01:29pm | Corn and soy ease, wheat rises as weather and exports weigh | RE |
End-of-day quotes
Compared values
Sector | Change | 5d. change | 1st Jan change | 1-year change | 5-years change | Capi. | ST | MT | LT |
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- S&P GSCI Soy beans Index - United States
- Charts S&P GSCI Soy beans Index
- Relative Strength Chart

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