Xtract Resources Plc announce preliminary unaudited results for alluvial mining contractors for the Manica Concession for the period 1 October to 31 December 2017. Combined attributable contractor income for the Period amounted to USD 801,000. Xtract's net share of the combined attributable contractor income is USD 320,000 (equivalent to 40% of total attributable contractor income, the balance of 60% attributable to Nexus under the Collaboration Agreement as announced previously on 20 June 2017). A total of 2.828 kg of gold was on hand for the account of Xtract and Nexus as at 31 December 2017 (approximate gross value of USD 111,000) - this gold had been smelted but not yet sold. Contractors' operations continue to improve reflected in an increase in overall production. Xtract continues to explore opportunities to work with other operators and review other concessions in the Manica and surrounding areas.