CWZ China Flowers AG reported earnings results for the first half of 2014. In the first half of 2014, the company's revenue increased by EUR 195,000, or 5.1%, from EUR 3,805,000 to EUR 4,000,000. Profit from operations (EBIT) was EUR 3,094,000 compared to EUR 4,181,000 reported a year ago. The company reported a profit in the amount of EUR 2,686,000 compared to EUR 3,737,000 reported a year ago. Taking into account foreign currency translation differences, total income for the reporting period came to EUR 2,741,000 compared to EUR 4,100,000 reported a year ago.

For the financial year as a whole, the company expects its revenue to increase significantly, to approximately EUR 16,000,000, resulting from the expansion of the businesses of individual associated companies. At the same time, the company expects a gross margin of 69% for the year 2014.