Current report 106/2014 Report date: 31 December 2014 Subject: Early redemption of bonds by a subsidiary

Legal basis: 56 sec. 1 point 1) of the Act on Public Offerings - confidential information
Report content:
The Management Board of WIKANA S.A. announces that, in reference to current reports
49/2013 and 50/2013 of 24 December 2013, a subsidiary of the Issuer: WIKANA PROPERTY Sp. z o.o. LAMDA S.K.A., based in Lublin, exercised on 30 December 2014 its right to early redemption of 5 060 series A bonds by payment, on the above date, of PLN 5 060 000.00, plus interest, to the sole bondholder.

President of the Management Board

Robert Pydzik

Member of the Management Board

Agnieszka Maliszewska

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