VirTra, Inc. announced its participation at the International Association for Healthcare Security & Safety (IAHSS) Conference and Exhibition in Orlando from April 29 to May 1, 2024. As a first-time vendor, VirTra will introduce its new V-XR headset training solution at the event, highlighting its advanced functionality and ability to meet diverse training demands, particularly in healthcare settings. The IAHSS Annual Conference and Exhibition is a key event for healthcare's top security, safety, and emergency management leaders to network, meet with vendors, and find solutions for their challenges.

This year, VirTra joins the expo to demonstrate the effectiveness of its new V-XR training solution, a compact, lightweight headset training simulator with a focus on de-escalation scenarios. The headset features hyper-realistic characters created using volumetric video capture and pass-through to reduce motion sickness for the user. VirTra's recent entry into the healthcare market began last month when it partnered with Ascension St.

John Hospital ("Ascension") to equip its team with advanced training simulators. VirTra's V-180 was a practical application of Ascension's grant funds. Ascension also reported the system's success in a recent case study, available to download on VirTra's website.

The study highlights the simulator's wide range of training scenarios and how it allows the entire staff, not just the security team, to practice skills that keep them safe. As VirTra's role in healthcare security expands, multiple other healthcare organizations have already adopted its technologies. Ohio Healthcare PD, TriHealth Cincinnati, Marion Hospital in Indiana, Indiana University Hospital, Health First Security in Florida, and several VA locations have begun training their teams using VirTra simulators.

VirTra's entry into healthcare security coincides with an increase in un truly and sometimes violent behavior directed at healthcare providers. A 2022 report from the American College of Emergency Physicians revealed a significant increase in healthcare violence, with 55% of physicians surveyed saying they had been physically assault while at work. With the increased demand for hospital security, VirTra is stepping up to provide advanced use-of-force, de-escalation, and other forms of simulator-based training to its healthcare partners.