Petrobras reported that the Board of Directors of its wholly owned subsidiary Petrobras Distribuidora S.A. (BR) approved on June 20, 2017 the extension of the term of office of President Ivan de Sa Pereira Junior and Officers of Operations and Logistics, Marcelo Fernandes Braganca, and Consumer Market, Antonio Carlos Alves Caldeira, for a 60 day period. Additionally, the Board of Directors approved the removal of the Executive Officer of Gas Station Chain, Thomaz Lucchini Coutinho, and the Administrative-Financial Executive Officer, Carlos Alberto Barra Tessarollo, respectively effective as of July 1, 2017 and July 9, 2017. The President will concurrently hold the duties of the Administrative-Financial Executive Officer, whereas the Executive Officer of Operations and Logistics will simultaneously perform the duties of the Executive Office of Gas Station Chain.