The Board of Vela announced that, further to the announcements released by the Company on 31 July 2020 and 23 July 2021 regarding the appointment of an additional director, Emma Wilson has been appointed as an Executive Director of the Company with immediate effect. Mrs. Wilson qualified as a Chartered Accountant in 2001. Since qualification Emma has been employed in industry in senior finance positions and in large and small practices. In 2010 Emma established her own accounting practice, Bailey Wilson, which serves a variety of types and sizes of businesses, including clients listed on AIM and on the main market of the London Stock Exchange. As a director, Emma will take principal responsibility for the Company's finance and company secretarial functions, which have previously been contracted to Bailey Wilson but which will now be taken 'in-house'. Additionally, Emma will play a full part in the other responsibilities of the Board and, in particular, will participate equally with the existing directors in investment appraisal and monitoring. It is expected that the time commitment required by the Company will allow her to continue to manage her practice.