UR-Energy Inc. reported Lost Creek Uranium production results for the third quarter and year to date ended September 30, 2018. For the quarter, the Company met its production targets at the high end of guidance: 80,604 pounds of U3O8 were captured within the Lost Creek plant, 78,441 pounds of U3O8 were packaged in drums and 72,902 pounds of U3O8 drummed inventory were shipped out of the Lost Creek processing plant. At September 30, 2018, inventory at the conversion facility was approximately 308,762 pounds U3O8. During the period, all three of the new header houses in Lost Creek's second mine unit (MU2) continued to produce at or above budgeted expectations. Production operations at Lost Creek, including flow and headgrades, have continued to provide consistent performance throughout the year.

For the year 2018, the company estimate Lost Creek U3O8 production of between 250,000 and 300,000 pounds for 2018, although production rate may be adjusted based on operational matters and other indicators in the market.