Unique Engineering and Construction Public Company Limited informed that on December 28, 2017, UN - SH Joint Venture, including Unique Engineering and Construction Public Company Limited and Sinohydro Corporation Limited has signed the contract with the State Railway of Thailand. Project name is Construction of Track Doubling Project; Section: Lop Buri - Pak Nam Pho; Contract 1: Ban Klab - Khok Kathiam (Elevated Railway). The construction of the 29 km. dual track railway within the project consisting of 6 km of at grade railway and 23 km. of elevated railway. Total contract Value is THB 10,050,000,000.00 (Included VAT). Value under Unique's portion is THB 5,125,500,000.00 (Included VAT) and value under Sinohydro's portion is THB 4,924,500,000.00 (Included VAT).