Top Standard Corporation board announced that with effect from 12 September 2020: Mr. Ying Kan Man has been appointed as an executive Director; each of Mr. Tang Chiu Ming, Jeremy and Mr. Yip Ki Chi, Luke has been appointed as an independent non-executive Director; Mr. Lam Ka Wong, Johnson has tendered his resignation as an executive Director of the Company; and each of Mr. Yew Tak Yun, Paul and Mr. Chan Kwok Ki, Stephen has tendered his resignation as an independent non-executive Director of the Company. The board also announced that with effect from 12 September 2020: Audit and Risk Management Committee: Each of Mr. Yew Tak Yun, Paul and Mr. Chan Kwok Ki, Stephen has tendered his resignation as a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee; and each of Mr. Tang Chiu Ming, Jeremy and Mr. Yip Ki Chi, Luke has been appointed as a member of the Audit and Risk Management Committee. Mr. Ying Kan Man, has more than 10 years of working experience in the green building solution industry. He served as executive director from 27 April 2004 to 1 December 2011 of RCG Holdings Limited. Mr. Tang Chiu Ming, Jeremy, has involved in the accounting and finance industry for more than 20 years, having started his career at an international accounting firm as an auditor. Thereafter, he shifted into the commercial sector and worked for some multi-national companies as a regional accountant. In October 1999, he joined a sizeable securities company as a research analyst to develop his career in the finance industry. From September 2000 to September 2006, he focused more on the retail sales and dealing of securities and subsequently worked as a sales and marketing manager. Since September 2006 he has commenced a role as an associate director in China based securities companies, engaging in the duties of institutional sales relating to the dealing of securities for institutional clients, share placement, and underwriting of shares for new initial public offering. Mr. Yip Ki Chi, Luke, is mainly responsible for supervising and providing independent judgment to the Board. He was admitted as a solicitor of the High Court of Hong Kong in April 1994 and is currently a practising solicitor in Hong Kong with over 20 years of post-qualification experience in the legal profession. From May 1992 to September 1996, he worked at Messrs. P. C. Woo & Co. as a trainee solicitor and subsequently a solicitor. He then joined Messrs. Siao, Wen & Leung in October 1996 as a solicitor. From March 1997 to September 1999, Mr. Yip was a partner and subsequently a consultant at Messrs. Wong & Yip. He has been a partner of Messrs. Cheung & Yip since February 1999. Mr. Yip has been a Notary Public and Civil Celebrant in Hong Kong since 2006. He has been a China Appointed Attesting Officer since December 2015. Mr. Yip is an independent non-executive director of Indigo Star Holdings Limited since 24 October 2017.