
Ref.TBK 01/0036January 24, 2014

Subject : Appointment of Board-Committee Members
To : President of the Stock Exchange of Thailand
cc : Secretary-General of the Securities and Exchange Commission
Dear Sir,
Thai Oil Public Company Limited, "the Company" , would like to inf orm that the Board of Director's meeting No.1/2014 on January 24, 2014 has resolved to appoint Mr. Nuttachat Charuchinda as a Member of Nomination and Remuneration Committee, effective from January 24, 2014 onwards.
The Company therefore would like to summar ize the list of the Board of Directors and the Board- Committees as of January 24, 2014 as follows :
1. Mr. Norkun Sitthiphong Director / Chairman of the Board
2. Mr. Apisit Rujikeatkamjorn Independent Director/ Chairman of the Audit Committee
3. Mr. Tanawat Ampunant Independent Director/ Member of the Audit Committee
4. Ms. Chularat Suteethorn Independent Director/ Member of the Audit Committee
5. Mr. Chulasingh Vasantasingh Independent Director/ Member of the Audit Committee
6. Mr. Wisan Wuthisaksilp Independent Director/ Chairman of the Nomination and Remuneration
7. Gen. Jiradej Mokkhasmit Independent Director/ Member of the Nomination and Remuneration
8. Gen. Trisak Indararusmi Independent Director/ Member of the Nomination and Remuneration
9. Mr. Thosaporn Sir isumphand Independent Director/ Chairman of the Corporate Governance Committee
10. Pol.Gen. Adul Sangs ingkeo Independent Director/ Member of the Corporate Governance Committee
11. Mr. Thaworn Phanichaphan Independent Director/ Member of the Corporate Governance Committee
12. Mr. Somkeirt Hudthagosol Director
13. Mr. Apisak Tantivorawong Independent Director/ Chairman of the Risk Management Committee
14. Mr. Nuttachat Charuchinda Director/ Member of the Risk Management Committee/ Member of Nomination and Remuneration Committee
15. Mr. Veerasak Kositpaisa l Director / Member of the Risk Management / Chief Executive Officer & President/ Secretary to the Board
Please be informed accordingly.
Yours truly,
Thai Oil Public Company Limited
Mr. Veerasak Kositpaisa l
Chief Executive Officer & President

Corp orate M anagement Sup p ort

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